As you read the above linked report, notice how JFA’s heart for training (Seat and Feet Work) prepares our staff and our volunteers to train pro-life advocates we meet on campus during an outreach to also be ambassadors for life, i.e., to do "Repeat Work."
The following details didn't make it into the impact report, but so well illustrate God's "divine appointments" that I decided to share them with you below (you'll need to read the impact report to put them into proper context):
- For years Amanda had felt God calling her to do something about abortion, but didn’t know what to do.
- Amanda and Kim have such different lifestyles that people at their work wondered aloud why they get along so well. Amanda is convinced it is all by God’s grace and according to His plan. We're also impressed that Amanda seeks to be Christ's ambassador.
- Our JFA team would not normally have had an outreach at WSU in January. The only reason we were there that week was to test out our new A-frame kiosk before taking it to Arizona later that month.
- That's not the only reason we might never have met Amanda; she was only going to stop at the kiosk for a few minutes between classes, but the class she was heading to got canceled, so she had time to stay and get trained by Catherine!
- After talking with Amanda, Kim called the JFA office the following week on a day that Catherine doesn’t usually answer the phones, but Catherine happened to pick up. Kim had already decided to keep her child, but she seemed fairly stressed-out on the phone. Catherine per her training listened, process some of the stress points with Kim, and arranged a three-way call with one of the counselors at Choices Medical Clinic.
"Today I had the privilege of seeing a sonogram of the child whose life was spared by God working through me, and as I watched her wiggle around on the screen, we found out she is a precious baby girl :)I trust that you share our joy for Kim, but also for Catherine and Amanda. Your faithful financial and prayerful support helped make possible the rescue of this "precious baby girl." Thank you!
May Amanda, Kim, and her baby girl move the hearts of many to join the ranks of trained and intentional ambassadors who speak up for those who have no voice.
Click here to write a short note of encouragement to our JFA staff member, Catherine, to Amanda and/or to Kim.
*Name changed for privacy.