Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Homeless Not Helpless - Pt. 2 Repeat Work


Thank you for keeping Christina and her unborn baby in prayer. She is still pregnant, though there was a brief scare when she called an abortion clinic shortly after I wrote the first time.

The [abortion] clinic told her she was too far along for them to help her and they did not give her the name of any other clinics to contact. Praise God for that victory.

My church has [also] been helping Christina and keeping in touch with her every day. My mom and I are taking her out for her 28th birthday next week. She wants to go to Red Lobster! :)

The next step is to get her to a nearby pro-life free clinic that can get
Christina in touch with some adoption agencies.

I felt discouraged by people's attitudes when I shared a little bit of my walk with
Christina. A co-worker made a nasty face at me and said that Christina's baby SHOULD be aborted because Christina hadn't had prenatal care and may or may not have taken drugs/used alcohol.

I was able to share with this co-worker that we will take whatever comes with this baby... we're praying for him or her, we already love him or her, and consider his or her life precious.

She was confused and didn't wish to discuss it further with me. I was proud of myself for responding to her with love, like JFA taught me.

And when we get to meet Christina's baby, by the grace of God, my co-worker will see that our prayers have reaped rewards. Whatever hardships this baby may face...we'll take them on.

So, keep us in prayer, as I do for you.

Love you guys!


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