Thursday, April 21, 2011

From Almost "Sick" to Almost "Staff"

A high school senior reflects on their JFA training experience.

What were your thoughts before the outreach?

Because the training was mandatory, I actually thought about being “sick” and just avoiding the whole thing.

What are your thoughts after the outreach?

I [now] think the outreach is a great idea. People do not know very much about abortion. I liked all the variety of conversation starters - the Exhibit, the poll table and especially the free speech board.

Describe an experience and/or conversation during the outreach.

I spoke with a girl who had never given much thought to abortion. She actually started to cry when we were talking because of the pictures. She said she never thought [about] abortion killing a baby until she saw the pictures. She said because of the pictures she is now totally against abortion.

How did the outreach experience change or affect you?

This experience changed my mind about using images to talk to people. It also made me more confident about speaking about abortion.

What was valuable about the pre-outreach "Abortion: From Debate to Dialogue" seminar?

I did not feel prepared at the end of the seminar but later realized that I really was prepared. I liked being able to see examples of conversations between pro-life and pro-choice people. I’m in favor of having more [seminar] teaching time.

Would you participate in such an outreach again?

I feel like this is a good way to reach people. While I do not want to make it a full time job, another outing or two would be good. I do feel [now] that you do not always have to make huge exhibits to talk about abortion.

Are you willing to help JFA train more students like Loren?

Click here to learn how you can give of your time, treasure and/or talent.

*The above reflections were excerpted for length and clarity from Loren Koch's written response after his March 2011 participation in a Justice For All outreach event at the University of Texas-San Antonio.

JFA's participation in Loren's training would not have been possible without the leadership of Dr. Daryl Rodriguez, one of JFA's satellite trainers and Loren's Bible teacher at Bracken Christian School in Bulverde, TX. Fifteen other Bracken Christian students also participated in this training event.

Dr. Daryl (known as "D_ROD" to friends and students) also serves as a pastor at Living Water Fellowship (Bulverde), and is founder and president of
Love of Truth Ministries.

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