Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Wake up! We're Going to War!"

Earlier this fall I got to mentor one of six training groups at Heritage Christian Academy (HCA) in Ft. Collins, CO. I needed an ice breaker that day for my small group of six students, so I asked:

"Where were you on 9/11?"

Despite these students being only five or six years old in 2001, THEY REMEMBER.

“I was only five years old,” answered Christy. “My mom came upstairs to my room. I was still asleep. She shook my arm and shouted, ‘Wake up! Come downstairs. We’re going to war!’”

After we had all had a good laugh, I asked her, “Do you think your mom overreacted?” Briefly hesitating, she answered, “I guess not, because all those people died that day.”

“How many died?” I asked, looking at each face in the group. Their spirits had quickly sobered.

“About 3,000, I think,” offered a student named Ryan. “It’s been all over the news this past month.”

“You’re right, nearly 3,000 died that day. That’s 600 more than died during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. And we did go to war!”

On 9/11 Christy’s mom woke her daughter to help DO something to stop the killing of innocent people. There was urgency in her voice and in her actions that day.

On this day forty HCA students were awakened to what they can DO to help stop the killing of innocent unborn children. Some even felt that same urgency that Christy's mom felt on 9/11.

Every day is a 9/11 for unborn children – about 3,500 will die in the U.S. on the day you read this.

We remember where we were on 9/11. Why won’t most remember where they were or what they were doing even a week ago when 3,500 children died?

At the end of the day I asked Christy if she would go home, shake her mom’s arm, and say, “Mom! Wake up! We’re going to war!”

If you're reading this, I'm fairly confident that you are already awake to the abortion tragedy. If you haven't already, I strongly encourage you to join with us to fight for the hearts, the minds, and the babies of the next generation.

Here's some key ways how you could use your time, treasure and/or talent to make a difference:

  • Learn to start gracious but persuasive conversations about abortion. How? Take a missions trip to a JFA training event. Almost all of our training events are designed with you in mind! (contact
  • Financially support one or more of our training events - we held 40 "Abortion: From Debate to Dialogue" seminars (seat work) and 38 corresponding university campus outreaches (feet work). Donate Here.
  • Request and be accepted into JFA's training certification track designed to help you learn to train others to change hearts and save lives. (contact
  • Join JFA's part or full-time intern team which will put you on a VERY fast training certification track! (contact

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The WE in Growth at JFA

As WE began our fall 2009 training season, WE had one person who could facilitate JFA’s seat work to feet work training. Two years later, WE have four. By Christmas, Lord willing, WE’LL have 6.

In 2009 WE sent six JFA staff to begin our training partnership with Right to Life of Central California (RLCC – Fresno). This past week, two years later, one JFA staff person, Catherine Wurts, was in Fresno facilitating RLCC training events, assisted by 5 trained RLCC mentors!

In 2009, our by-invitation-only Training Certification Program was but a dream in the mind of JFA's Director of Training, Steve Wagner. Two years later, WE have 34 people enrolled, 20 of whom are completing weekly certification activities.

In 2009, JFA’s mentoring program focused primarily upon our seminar event. Today a ratio of one JFA certified mentor to 8 trainees (max of 10) permeates almost every part of JFA training: from seat to feet to repeat work.

In March 2009, WE trained students and adults in Georgia. In March 2012, WE’RE tentatively scheduled not only to train again in Georgia, but also in Connecticut (Yale), Michigan (UofM), Texas (San Antonio), Nebraska (UNL) and Kansas (Benedictine).

This kind of growth is NOT possible without your financial partnership. That’s why I’ve put “WE” in caps throughout this report of thanks. The years keep roll by at breakneck speed! It’s your support that’s made the difference.

Please join in giving special thanks to both OUR experienced and new “team” members in Lawrence, at the University of Kansas (KU) and Benedictine College. Last week WE fielded a team of about 60 for the KU outreach. On Tuesday Jules, a KU coed, took a step back from the Exhibit to say,
"I'm 2 months pregnant. All my friends are telling me to get an abortion; that this baby (pointing to her womb) will ruin my life.”
Then pointing at side one, panel 4 she continued,
“I think I’ll take a picture of that aborted baby on my phone right now, send it to my friends and ask, 'Is THIS what you want me to do to my baby?'" --Jules, University of Kansas student, Sept 12, 2011 (name changed for privacy)
We thank God and you for your continued support!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Door Opens in Nepal

JFA staffer Jacob Burow recently met Kacie,* the daughter of Nepal missionaries. She was on her way back to Nepal to teach students and adults about abortion. Below is her shortened post-trip report:
"Thank you for your prayers during my time in Nepal! My trip was a huge success... . JFA's Exhibit brochures were a huge hit! Everyone wanted to take them home.

You were so right! I should have taken more. But I can mail them more and my dad can take a lot with him when he goes back in October. Is there a way I can buy more or ask Justice for All to donate them?

There is a small grassroots pro-life movement starting [in Nepal]. While there, I was able to speak to two youth groups about abortion."
Kacie has real passion for training people in Nepal about abortion and to help the fledgling pro-life movement in Nepal have the best materials and the best training possible. Back to her report:
"We visited churches in Banepa, Nala, Dolagat, Melanchi, and many other villages, speaking to 10 churches altogether. These groups varied in size from 30 to 100 people. We had all ages from youth to elderly women... .

I also spoke in some classes at 2 different high schools. Surprisingly, many children were interested and they especially enjoyed the pictures and models. One of the schools also had some visiting Australian teachers who listened to my [presentation]."
We hope to train Kacie this fall to take back more than just our materials to Nepal!

The bottom line is that your support is helping us train tomorrow's leaders today! Please consider making a special gift to help train students like Kacie to not only take JFA materials into countries like Nepal, but also be trained to train others - around the world!

*Her name has been changed for privacy.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Honored at 2011 Wichita Servant Awards

In April we were honored to learn that Justice For All (JFA) had been chosen to receive a First Tier Prize of $5,000 at the 4th annual Wichita 2011 Servant Awards.

The theme of this year's awards was "The Story of One," which matches our mission of training thousands to make abortion unthinkable for millions, ONE person at a time.

JFA was one of fifteen ministries so honored and one of three to receive a First Tier Prize. The annual Wichita Servant Awards is part of the National Christian Foundation. JFA has a donor advised account set up with NCF through which tax-deductable contributions can be made with all the benefits of a donor advised fund.

We are humbled by this award honoring the work that our donors have helped make possible.

Your gifts will mean so much to so many!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Homeless Not Helpless - Pt. 3 Repeat Work

Dear JFA,

I know I already shared with you Christina's story, but I'd like to summarize some of it again since my heart is overflowing with joy at the ending. (Christina's name has been changed for privacy.)

I first contacted JFA on 10/23/10 asking for prayer support for a homeless woman named Christina. Christina lived in a local motel and had attended a church event where I met her. She told me that day that she was about 4 months pregnant with her 10th child.

Christina had had 7 children and 2 abortions; the first abortion when she was only 14 years old, after she was raped by a family member. All 7 of her living children were removed from her care.

told me [the day of the church event] that she had an abortion scheduled for the coming week. I asked her if there was anything I could do to help her.

I used my JFA training to talk to her about her pregnancy and about her decision to abort the baby. I was terrified as she walked out the church doors that day, because I didn't know if I had loved her enough, said the right things, or prayed hard enough to save the life inside of her.

Weeks later, Christina had cancelled her abortion appointment, but she scheduled another one for the following week. I took her shopping for some clothes that fit and to dinner one night, and I prayed without ceasing for the baby.

called me the day after her 2nd appointment for an abortion and told me that the place she went "wouldn't do it." I nearly cried. Later that week, Christina disappeared.

As it turns out, Christina had gone to prison, and I had no idea whether or not her baby was still alive. I prayed that God would intervene over and over for Christina and for her unborn child.

Fast forward to the beginning of June. My church held an annual baby shower for single moms, teen moms, and underprivileged moms in our area. Christina's name was on the register... and she would be bringing her nearly 3 month old baby girl! I was overjoyed! The baby's father had legal custody, so he would be bringing Christina and the baby.

When Christina arrived for the church event, and I looked into her child's precious, innocent, peaceful face... my heart exploded with relief and such overwhelming joy. I took baby Esther (name changed for privacy) out of her car seat and cradled her in my arms.

This baby was here, in part, because of me. I laid Esther on my chest, and her heart beat right next to mine. It was my birthday that day, and God couldn't have given me a better present.

was born March 8th, 2011 weighing 6 pounds. Though Christina was not in good health when the baby came, Esther was 100% perfect. I was holding a breathing, sweet smelling, tiny miracle in my arms, and I didn't know how I'd ever put her down again.

Of course I'm tearing up writing this because remembering the moment when I saw is so precious to me. Justice For All has changed my life, and you've helped me save Esther's life too. I don't know how to begin to thank you for your training and for your support. I knew you'd help me lift up Christina in prayer, and now I know you'll celebrate with me because Esther is here with us.

I was SO excited to write to you! You guys are the best.

(Editor's note: Read Homeless Not Helpless Pt. 1 here and Part 2 here. Nicole was one of the Focus Leadership Institute student volunteers at our Fall 2006 Colorado State University outreach. Read her Reflection of that life-changing experience. Check out JFA's website description of our "Abortion: From Debate to Dialogue" training program.)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

From Almost "Sick" to Almost "Staff"

A high school senior reflects on their JFA training experience.

What were your thoughts before the outreach?

Because the training was mandatory, I actually thought about being “sick” and just avoiding the whole thing.

What are your thoughts after the outreach?

I [now] think the outreach is a great idea. People do not know very much about abortion. I liked all the variety of conversation starters - the Exhibit, the poll table and especially the free speech board.

Describe an experience and/or conversation during the outreach.

I spoke with a girl who had never given much thought to abortion. She actually started to cry when we were talking because of the pictures. She said she never thought [about] abortion killing a baby until she saw the pictures. She said because of the pictures she is now totally against abortion.

How did the outreach experience change or affect you?

This experience changed my mind about using images to talk to people. It also made me more confident about speaking about abortion.

What was valuable about the pre-outreach "Abortion: From Debate to Dialogue" seminar?

I did not feel prepared at the end of the seminar but later realized that I really was prepared. I liked being able to see examples of conversations between pro-life and pro-choice people. I’m in favor of having more [seminar] teaching time.

Would you participate in such an outreach again?

I feel like this is a good way to reach people. While I do not want to make it a full time job, another outing or two would be good. I do feel [now] that you do not always have to make huge exhibits to talk about abortion.

Are you willing to help JFA train more students like Loren?

Click here to learn how you can give of your time, treasure and/or talent.

*The above reflections were excerpted for length and clarity from Loren Koch's written response after his March 2011 participation in a Justice For All outreach event at the University of Texas-San Antonio.

JFA's participation in Loren's training would not have been possible without the leadership of Dr. Daryl Rodriguez, one of JFA's satellite trainers and Loren's Bible teacher at Bracken Christian School in Bulverde, TX. Fifteen other Bracken Christian students also participated in this training event.

Dr. Daryl (known as "D_ROD" to friends and students) also serves as a pastor at Living Water Fellowship (Bulverde), and is founder and president of
Love of Truth Ministries.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Why is it wrong?"

That was the question posed in February by a high school student after hearing one of the world’s best pro-life presentations. How does that happen?!

Like this:

> Back-to-back presentations (JFA and Silent No More respectively) totaling 60 minutes at a Christian, college preparatory high school assembly of more than 1,100 students, most of whom live with pro-life parents in a conservative city in a very conservative state, taught 5 days a week by pro-life faculty and at least several times a week by pro-life clergy.

> The JFA speaker gave our time-tested Facing Abortion presentation + SLED (an acronym for Size, Level of Development, Environment, and Degree of Independence) which we use to illustrate that it is not location, form or function that gives humans their value (a concept from Steven D. Schwartz's, The Moral Question of Abortion (Loyola University Press, 1990).

> During the Q&A following the JFA portion of the assembly one student rashly stated that he would be more likely to consider our message if he heard from someone who had an abortion. Enter stage right the Silent No More speaker (Brenda) who proceeded to tell him and the other 1099 students her gut-wrenching abortion story.

To recap, these religiously educated and conservative freshman through senior high school students saw both Psalm 139 pictures AND hellish abortion images AND heard from a quite believable soul who had been there, done that.

After the assembly, Brenda, the Silent No More speaker, and I approached a table full of girls (8 or 9 of them) to ask, “What do you think of what you just heard?”

After their genuine affirmation and “thank you very much” all around the table, one of the girls blurted out, “But why is it wrong?” (her emphasis)

“Excuse me?” I asked. “Do you mean, ‘Why is abortion wrong?’”

“Yea, I mean, you know…I believe it’s wrong…but why is it wrong?” (her emphasis) The girls ‘round the table all joined in, “Yea, why is it wrong?!” (their emphasis)

“Wow,” I said. “Great question. Have you ever heard anyone say, ‘I personally believe abortion is wrong, but…women should have a choice.’”

“YEA, EVERYONE says that!” they all answered back.

“I hear you,” I said sympathetically, “but what if the mother of a one-year old wants the same choice? I mean she wants to get rid of her born child? She wants to abort her one-year old kid? Should she have the same legal right to kill her one-year old if she feels the kid’s going to be too great a burden on her?”

“No!” the girls shot back, almost in unison.

I directed my next question squarely at the girl who had first asked “Why is it wrong?”

“Why not?” I asked her.

She quickly shot back, “Because that would be wrong!”

“But why would that be wrong?” I probed.

With only slight hesitation she answered, “Because it’s a living human!” Then in less than two seconds she exclaimed, almost under her breath, “OMG…they’re both living humans! That’s why it’s wrong!” (her emphasis)

Then, almost as if on queue, the end-of-break bell rang, the girls chorused their goodbye’s and thank you’s and departed for their next class.

Brenda and I sat at the table first pondering, then discussing our conversation with the students.

Had we failed to convey adequately “Why abortion is wrong?” No presentation is perfect. Perhaps at least JFA’s presentation is in serious need of repair? How about the girls didn’t pay close enough attention during the assembly?

While all of these may be in part why the girls didn’t come away with an understanding of why abortion is wrong, another possibility is that good or even great presentations by themselves may not be sufficient to overcome the cultural acceptance of abortion as the lesser evil compared to carrying an unwanted unborn child to birth.

Given that all these explanations may have some basis in fact, I conclude that:

> Believing abortion to be wrong does not necessarily mean the person holding said belief understands “why” abortion is wrong.
> Neither the individual nor combined current influence of Christian family, church or education may sufficiently form and inform students of the moral injustice of abortion.
> Though someone may believe it’s wrong to abort unwanted unborn children, without an adequate moral foundation to this belief, they remain vulnerable to abortion.

Even more insidious than the lie about what abortion is and does is the a priori lie that a child’s value before birth should be subservient to the personal preferences and/or needs of his or her parents.

And that lie has permeated even the safe harbor of private Christian education in America.

It’s my opinion that neither neutering Planned Parenthood nor immunizing the World Health Organization is going to reverse this lie. Nor will passing a Personhood Amendment undo the damage already done to America's individual and collective psyche.

And while abortion images and abortion experience stories may help convince students that abortion is wrong, they don’t lay the foundation for “Why” it’s wrong.

The “Why” approach I took with the Christian high school girls is comparative in nature. If unborn humans are extended the same worth as born humans, would it not be just as immoral to kill an unborn child as it is a born child?

Yet from whom or where does human value of both the born and the unborn human derive?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Saving Sarah and Her Baby

Tuesday Morning, Wichita (KS) - David
As my two youngest boys (10 & 11 years of age) sat in the truck waiting, they found two JFA Exhibit brochures. Each began a journey through its pages.  As I entered the truck and saw what they were doing, I was initially shocked to see them viewing the abortion pictures of the Exhibit (warning - very graphic). My shock quickly turned to amazement as they asked questions and reflected on my answers.

"Are these pictures of aborted babies?" "Who does this?" "Why?" "That's just wrong." "It's awful."

Tuesday, Ventura County (CA) - Regina to Catherine
At first I felt funny standing outside the Planned Parenthood clinic by myself...I thought, “Ok Lord. You got me here, please guide me.”

Shortly thereafter a young woman walked up to me and asked to use my phone. She made her call while standing right next to me and said, “They won’t do [the abortion] today. They said ‘cause I ate they can’t put me under. It could kill me….I don’t care. I’m 13 weeks and I want it done. I’ll come back tomorrow at 8:30(a.m.) on the train to get it done.”

Thoughts in my head were racing. “O, dear Lord please, what do I say?”

She gave me back the phone and walked off. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn’t respond. She was angry. I feared nothing I could say at that moment would have changed her mind.

I did have one thing. The phone number she had called. It was in my phone. Whomever the number belonged to, she trusted them enough to know where and what she planned to do.

I went home and after much prayer, research, a few phone calls (one to my friend Catherine at Justice For All), and beginning a prayer chain, I knew I had to call that number.

A female voice picked up. I told her that I had some information to share if she or her friend would be willing to listen. The conversation didn’t last long - she briefly listened but then hung up on me.

I called back. “I care about Sarah and her Baby. I want you to know that there are people that want to help Sarah and her Baby.” Again the conversation didn’t last long before she hung up on me.

I sent a text message. "Please help Sarah be completely informed. Go to You can call Jane at the Pregnancy Help Center xxx-xxx-xxxx or you can call me.”  No return text.

Tuesday Noon - Catherine to David
"One of my best friends just called to ask what she should do - should she call the number in her phone?" The JFA office staff gathered to pray for Sarah and her Baby and for Regina and the number in her phone. We notified the field staff by email.

Wednesday Morning - David
I told my wife and boys about Sarah and her baby - both boys individually prayed for them. Abortion was now more than a word for them.

Wednesday - Regina to Catherine
I was at the abortion clinic by 7:30 am. I wanted to see a miracle. I wanted to stand there and be happy that I didn’t see anyone resembling Sarah go in to the clinic. I wanted to report back to everyone that our prayers had been answered. I wanted to share that we had saved a precious little one.

My heart sank when I saw Sarah arrive. She and her friend were headed into the clinic. They walked quickly as I walked up to them. All I had time to say was, “Sarah, over 225 people are praying for you and your Baby.”

I stood outside that place and cried. A little while later Sarah’s friend, came out. Turns out that this was the lady Sarah called with my phone and with whom I had spoken on the phone the day before. She was Sarah’s sister. We had a chance to talk but the deed was being done as we spoke.

The Back Story - Regina to Catherine
Sarah's sister shared with me that she aborted twins of her own the previous week! She said Sarah, 19 years old, has mental illness and had been told her baby (13 weeks) has Downs Syndrome (13 weeks is too early to know this with certainty). When I offered to help financially, Sarah's sister said they have all the help they need - they go to church and have plenty of money - but that it was their mother's demand that they have abortions or she wouldn't continue to pay for their phones, cars, and school.

Wednesday Evening - Regina to Catherine
My heart is heavy tonight. I wanted to see the miracle but this morning was a harsh reality. We did not stop Sarah from entering the abortion clinic. We tried but did not save Sarah’s Baby from this tragedy.
I’m very new to this front-line fight on abortion.  Up until yesterday afternoon I could not imagine myself crying over a stranger’s baby. I’ve been crying for Sarah’s Baby today. Our actions do speak louder than words. Our prayers bring all of us together and give us the courage and graces we need to be the voice for our precious little ones in the womb.
The Lord doesn’t give us what we can’t handle, that’s probably why my life lessons have not come easy. I believe the Lord put Sarah and her Baby in my path so that I could feel His pain and sorrow. He had given a beautiful gift to Sarah but she refused to accept it. I am forever changed by this experience. 
This fight is not easy or pretty. Our prayers and unity in this is necessary. I thank God for each of you and your efforts. Thank you for helping me learn what it takes to try and save a baby like Sarah’s... I am forever changed by this experience. I will always remember the sorrow I feel today. I can now accept the challenge of being a bold and active voice for these little ones with a completely open heart.

Wednesday Evening - David
I suspect the timing of the boys seeing abortion and then hearing about a situation in which it was about to occur was not happenstance. Yet I haven't been able to muster the courage to tell the boys what happened to Sarah and her baby today after their prayers. Maybe tomorrow morning.