Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Homeless But Not Helpless

With JFA's training behind you, repeat work can be merely a conversation away at ANY event - even church events!
Dear JFA,

Today my church hosted a fall event for the less privileged in our area and for the homeless currently living at a local motel.

I met Christina. She's 27, has had 7 babies and 2 abortions - the first when she was 14 because she became pregnant after being raped by her adoptive father.

Christina is now 4.5 months pregnant and has an abortion scheduled for this week. She said to me, 'I don't want to kill him or her, but I don't want to bring another one here and have the authorities take it (again).' Christina has had all 7 of her kids forcibly removed from her - each time leaving her wounded.

I was able to sit with Christina. I got her a cupcake (chocolate is her favorite), and coffee (I had to send someone to the church office with a tea cup to get some!), and we talked.

She has beautiful blue eyes - plagued with hardship and pain. Her pregnancy is obvious, and because she doesn't have clothes that fit, her pants looked uncomfortably tight.

I shared with Christina that one day I dream of adopting a baby. She said that was nice.

I touched her arm and said that if all babies went from the womb to heaven, there wouldn't be any babies to adopt - but that adoption is an option for her unborn baby.

She looked at me, and asked, 'Would there be someone who might adopt this baby?' I assured her there would be.

She said that she would rather not abort, but only if she could pick a family for the baby. My mom then joined us and we discussed getting in touch with some adoption agencies.

Christina left the event with a bag of sandwiches, another chocolate cupcake, a blanket, and a fleet of angels following her.
"Christina left with a fleet of angels following her."
On Monday my mom and I are going to contact Christina and see what we can do to help her. The father of the baby is not in the picture, though Christina lives with a man who does not support her decision to abort.

Please pray for wisdom for me and my mom as we walk with Christina.

I felt a bit helpless watching Christina walk out the church doors. Had I shown her enough love - said the right things? I pray so - and that this journey with her isn't over.

Thanks for being there for me JFA. I wouldn't have had the courage to sit down with Christina if it wasn't for the training you gave me. I love you guys.

I'll keep you updated.

Sent via BlackBerry

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