Sunday, January 24, 2010

World Changers Who Rest in the Everlasting Arms

I recently had the opportunity to share the speaking platform at "Prime" with Steve Gillis, college pastor of First Baptist Church of Woodstock, GA.

His theme that night was "World Changers." The idea that followers of Christ should be "World Changers" was woven throughout the evening.

In my remarks I briefly referenced the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., yet the recent holiday commemorating Dr. King's life actually celebrates an entire generation of intentional world-changers.

Among my favorites is Dr. Ralph David Abernathy. Fellow activist Andrew Young reportedly summed up Rev. Abernathy's role in the civil rights movement with "Ralph was really the pastor to Dr. King. He was a source of strength to us all."

Asked about his source of strength -- how he withstood the immense pressures of both internal and external criticism not to mention threats to his and his family's lives, Pastor Abernathy quickly reflected with the 19th century hymn's refrain, "Resting on the everlasting arms of Jesus."

The source of Dr. Abernathy's strength (Jesus) is both the start and finish line for anyone seriously considering living in opposition to injustice.

The prophet Isaiah spoke of the same source and strength:

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty, God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign...over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness...forever." (Isaiah 9.6-7)

God, help me be a world changer who rests daily in the "everlasting arms of Jesus."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dumb About Abortion

Students " enough to meet entrance requirements..." but dumb about abortion was essence of the antilogy observed by Leslie Cumiford in a recent The New Mexico Breeze article highlighting Justice For All’s fall 2009 outreach at the University of New Mexico (UNM).

Consider Julie, a pre-med UNM junior who scolded me at the “Should This Exhibit Return Next Year” poll table with “Why don’t you redirect your efforts to accomplish something beneficial to mankind?”

Her assumption?

Unborn humans are either not full members of the human community, or if they are, they’re certainly not as valuable as needy born humans.

How indeed can students like Julie successfully test into our institutions of higher learning, but seriously fail a pop quiz about abortion? (Warning: link contains graphic abortion image)

Answer: Bad leadership and a cover-up of unparalleled proportion.

The Cover-up. Over 100,000 unwanted, unborn children on planet Earth are violently killed each and every day - 24/7 (about 3,500 daily in the U.S.).[1]

Do the Google or LexisNexis search. Not a single article in a single newspaper in a single country decried yesterday's violence against 100K unborn humans. Or the day before. Or tomorrow’s.

Why not?

Bad Leadership. Leaders we would expect to expose such evil by instructing those for whom they have oversight are instead relatively silent.

And the truth is few in America's pews want their peace disturbed.

In large part because the majority of those so weekly seated have either participated in an abortion, love someone who has, or want to preserve a future "choice."

The Net Result. Those who could and should be better instructed (born children) enter adolescence completely unprepared for the evil they themselves are vulnerable to experience.

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