Sunday, March 28, 2010

Partnerships and Repeat Work Saves Lives

Last fall (2010) God led the JFA staff and regular volunteers into Oklahoma for our annual training trek with OK private and public schools.

JFA’s staff and volunteer training program contains 3 key elements:

  1. Seat work – Abortion: From Debate to Dialogue (ADD) Seminar
  2. Feet work – participation in an ADD Exhibit Outreach
  3. Repeat work – individual and/or group follow-up using ADD training

Local partnerships are critical to changing hearts and saving lives before, during, but especially after outreach events.

For each outreach venue JFA strives to partner with pregnancy resource centers who serve their communities 24/7.

During our first training in Oklahoma (2007), we were blessed to connect with Crossroads Clinic, based in Guthrie, OK. Crossroads again partnered with us for our 2009 University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) campus outreach.

Not only did the Crossroads staff join us at UCO last fall with a resource tent/table (pictured right), they brought with them several high school girls from Guthrie to train on each day.

Crossroads shares JFA’s vision for training next generation leaders!

This past February Linda Stewart, Executive Director of Crossroads Clinic, wrote to tell us:

“…our Client Services Director, Stephany, took a group of teens to counsel [at the Crossroad’s table during JFA’s campus outreach at UCO].

[Afterwards] one of these high school girls, a girl named Kyla (a junior), took the JFA Exhibit brochure back to her high school and showed it to fellow students.

Several months later Kyla received a note from a Guthrie high school girl that she didn’t know. It read,

‘Kyla, you don’t know me, but those pictures you passed around at school about abortion saved my baby’s life.’”

Your financial gifts and prayers help JFA develop critical training partnerships that change hearts and save lives, one person at a time.

Pray for us – we’re off to Colorado next month (April 7-14) where we’ll partner with at least 2 high schools, Focus on the Family Leadership Institute, several churches and campus groups. Thank you for your generous support!

Meet Josh - JFA's Newest World Changer

"If you could help thousands of people rethink their view on abortion, would you?"

That was the question for JFA's newest intern, Josh Pedrick (left in picture right). Josh is the youngest sibling of Rebeccah (Pedrick) Wagner, who herself was once a JFA intern and staffer AND is now married to JFA's Director of Training, Steve Wagner.

We're going next-generational at JFA with Josh's internship!

Josh has previously joined JFA for 3 training events - the first time as a 15 year old. Now 3 years later as an 18 year old, Josh reflects:

"JFA taught me how to dialogue with students, reveal truth, and still show gentleness and respect. The training experiences I've had with JFA have truly been life-changing."

Josh shares that a conversation he had at age 15 at North Texas ended with the college student saying: “Before this conversation [with you] I hadn’t given much thought to abortion. But after looking at this [exhibit] I can see abortion is wrong.”

After which Josh said, "This conversation made a tremendous showed me that I could make a difference in people’s hearts."

His willingness to do anything and everything we've asked and to do it with enthusiasm and charity is indeed a special addition to our team.

We covet your prayers and continued support as we head to Colorado next month!

Monday, March 1, 2010

3,500 Will Die in America Today

More than all killed on September 11, 2001.

Why doesn't this news stop us - in our tracks?

Unlike the Taliban attack, today's assault

Won't catch us by surprise.

We know when they will die.

We know where they will die.

We know how they will die.

And we know why they will die. BECAUSE


Why don't we think about those killed by abortion today?

Could it be that we fear saying "YES" to HELPING THEM


Remember Jesus' story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10)?

His answer to the lawyer's question

"What must I do to inherit eternal life?"

The guy whose day-trip to the city

Was interrupted by an unscheduled and messy encounter?

The story of a person who stopped to help someone left for dead.

Someone very different from them.

Someone Mr. S. may well have had good reason to resent;

IT was an unwelcome interruption in his journey.

IT was a potentially serious financial intrusion

Upon Mr. S' wallet.

His journey to the bigs.

IT was an unwanted burden

An appointed test of faith for Mr S.

Why show mercy?

Who would ever know (at least in this life)

That he simply walked on by.

It was not his mess.

Not his passion.

Not his fight.

"Whatever you did not do... ." (Jesus, Matt. 25.40)

In the words of pro-life luminary Gregg Cunningham,

"The Samaritan not only felt pity for the beating victim;

He took pity on him."

Justice For All prepares people to be Good Samaritans.

To rescue those so small and helpless that

They can be left for dead in a bedpan.


We train people to make abortion unthinkable

for everyone they know and meet, ONE person at a time.

Does your daily calendar allow for such interruptions?

Samaritan-like appointments?

Meetings appointed by God to change hearts.

Are you equipped?





Willing? (e.g., Jesus, Philippians 2.5-7)

On March 7-19, 2010,

Lord willing, Justice For All will train 300-400 students and adults

In Georgia and Tennessee

To save lives.

Will you be one of them?

Will you help?

If not, why not?

You were born to make a difference.

They can be too.

3,500 will die today

And tomorrow.

Unless we stop to help.

Click here for JFA March 2010 Training info

Click here to Donate

Pray always.